Week of August 13, 2021
“So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” (Matthew 6:34, NKJV)
Many people like to sit and mull over their problems. Life sometimes has overwhelming responsibilities and life can be demanding. Sometimes our priorities become distorted and we lose hope. Our faith wavers and worries flourishes.
The first step to overcome worry is to clearly identify your worries and their cause. Outline your worries by writing them down clearly and simply on a piece of paper. Then look at them calmly, pray about them, and then scale them down to size. Ask God how best to address this issue piece by piece. As you make this a matter of prayer you are confirming that God is in control of the situation that has developed. As you take these steps I believe you’ll discover that you are prohibiting worry from afflicting your peace of mind.
Clearly identify, pray about it and from God’s direction break it down bit by bit. Christ is all-sufficient for your needs.
God Bless, Pastor Rick