Our Sign Says What

Week of July 23, 2021

 “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16, NKJV)

As you drive down the street, it is especially noticeable at night dozens and dozens of lit-up signs.  Those signs are advertising companies.  Some are bright, others not so bright, but every one of them is advertising something.

As born-again children of God, we are to be signs shining in the darkness because every one of us communicates a message to anyone who notices.  You can live your life in such a manner that you’re like a big, bold sign, not one that is barely flickering.  Never lose sight of the fact that He has chosen us to advertise His grace, mercy, and kindness to a lost world.

Do you have any bulbs that are out in your sign?  What has your sign looked like for the last year?  Remember you are advertising something.  People are watching; in fact, you never know who is watching your life.

God Bless, Pastor Rick