Spare A Few Moments For Others

Week of August 27, 2021

 “Now therefore, do not be afraid; I will provide for you and your little ones.” And he comforted them and spoke kindly to them.” (Genesis 50:21, NKJV)

In this merciless world, friendliness is a priceless quality. People are so busy now days with their own interests that they barely have a moment to think about someone in distress. The pressure and demands of a busy life turn people sadly into impatient souls. 

If you truly want a fulfilled life, start by caring about the feelings of others who you come in to contact with daily. Focus yourself on showing an interest in the welfare of others. Spare a moment in your busy schedule to listen to another ones problems. Work on being tolerant and allow for his or her mistakes, because no one is perfect. 

We must follow the example of Christ who showed sympathy and understanding toward all people. It will give you great satisfaction knowing that you are supporting someone who is on a different path.  It will also be rewarding to know that you are continuing the work of the master.

God Bless, Pastor Rick