September 1 - December 1, 2024
Want to Lead or Host a Life Group? Click the link below!
“And they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And
the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.”
As an important part of the early church, community and fellowship were at the center of their daily lives. Which is why we are launching our Gateway Life Groups.
The purpose of our groups are to build and create intentional community outside of the four walls of the church. These groups will happen in our homes, where we can invite our friends, neighbors, and community members into our designated connect group homes as a way of building intentional community. We will base every group on the same 4 pillar foundation to Build, Equip, Send, and Multiply. What we mean by this is we are building relationships, we will equip through discipleship, send the discipled into the lost world, and multiply the kingdom of God.
Frequently Asked Questions
Life Groups meet online, or in designated places such as homes or our Gateway Church campus.
Our Life Groups meet for two semesters a year – Spring and Fall. During the semester, groups meet once a week for 13 week sessions.
The truth is, not everyone will find the best fit with the first group they try. This is why we encourage you to select a few groups that interest you, contact the leaders and try out a couple different groups before choosing the best one for you. The simple strategy to finding success in a group is to not give up. We believe there is a group that is right for everyone — including you!
Childcare varies from group to group. Some groups will be kid-friendly, while others will not. Childcare will be available upon request on Mondays or Thursdays at our Gateway Church campus, unless the house indicates otherwise.
For any other questions, please contact josh@discovergateway.com