The Compassionate Christ


But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.” (Matthew 9:36, NKJV)

Compassion is one of the outstanding characteristics of Jesus Christ’s personality. The attitude that He revealed when talking to people not only stirred their minds but captured their hearts as well. They felt His love for them, and they responded by loving Him in return.

His compassion for people today is just as real and true as when He walked the face of this earth. We do not have to live our lives on the coattails of those of the past. If God worked in their lives, which He did, He will work in our lives.

If you do not know where to turn for strength and inspiration, then remember the compassion of Jesus Christ. He is with you through any situation that you will find yourself in. He will be there to encourage, to give wisdom, and to build or even rebuild your life. Never lose sight of the compassion of Christ for you.

God Bless, Pastor Rick