Christ's Presence Reassures


“Now as they said these things, Jesus Himself stood in the midst of them, and said to them, “Peace to you.” (Luke 24:36, NKJV)

Jesus’ disciples were stunned after the terrible events of the first Good Friday. Without their Master, they were scared, confused, and without a leader. Their dreams had been shattered, and life had lost meaning for them. Dejected and disheartened this group sat together talking over what had transpired when suddenly Jesus appeared in their midst.

This transformation in their lives was nothing short of a miracle. The presence of Jesus brought new life and drive to their lives.

All of this happened two thousand years ago, but the resurrected and living Christ still has the same impact in the lives of people today.

If you are disheartened, if you are in danger of giving up hope, then it is time to invite Jesus into your life and ask Him to support you. Trust Him and allow Him to change your despair into hope and your sadness into joy.

God Bless, Pastor Rick