Stir Up The Gift

Week of August 2, 2024

Paul on one occasion told Timothy: “I remember the genuine faith that is in you… so stir up the gift of God which is in you…”  2 Timothy 1:5-6(NKJV)

A great danger in the Christian faith is familiarity.  We have heard so many messages that they possibly don’t impact us anymore.  Our heart is not stirred during the worship times.  Christianity doesn’t play a role in our life that it once did.  The joy of the Lord is not the same as in the past.

Living a vibrant Christianity is based on a relationship with Christ.  An experience that doesn’t waver because His word is continuously on my mind and in my heart.  As I think on Christ’s teachings for example; that love is greater than hate, forgiveness achieves much more than revenge, God guides those who need direction and so much more, so I purpose each day to live out His teachings, the fervor and zeal that was once experienced will return.

Open your heart to the work of the Holy Spirit in your life.  You will be aware that God is at work in your life.  When He manifests Himself through your life, your Christianity becomes alive and meaningful.  Growth and change will take place.  Joy and gladness that we all want to experience will return.          

God Bless, Pastor Rick