Not My Will But Yours

Week of August 9, 2024

“Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours, be done.”  (Luke 22:42, NKJV)

Many things come our way in life.  Some are unexpected disappointments, some are fiery trials and most of these times we cannot see the reason for them.  Regardless of the significance of the trial, some are major and others are minor, we need to handle them all. 

The things that God allows to happen to us are always for our benefit.  He wants us to trust Him even when, as the Apostle Paul said, we see through a glass darkly.  Faith is not a reckless leap in the dark but it is a sincere trust that says and believes, “I know that God’s will is best for me.”  This kind of trust leaves the choice up to God and you are able to say what our Lord said, “Not my will but yours.”

This must be our daily prayer, “not my will but yours.”  This is the best way to experience peace in our hearts.  God will always work for our good although that doesn’t always seem to be the case in the immediate moment.  I hope you can testify that your will is yielded to God’s will.                    

God Bless, Pastor Rick