Take A Closer Look At Criticism

Week of July 26, 2024

“Do you suppose, O man — you who judge those who practice such things and yet do them yourself — that you will escape the judgment of God?” Romans 2:3 (NKJV)

A father was pacing the floor in the bedroom while his daughter took what he thought was far too long to say good night to her boyfriend in the living room. He said to his wife it is taking too long for that young man to say goodnight to our daughter. The wife encouraged the husband to come to bed, you were that age once. The father said, “That's why I'm concerned.”

His judgment of his daughter and her boyfriend was apparently based on his own memories of what he had done a generation ago. His judgment was speculation based on his own conduct.

Judgements on our part often expose our own needs. What you may be judging in someone else are things that are troubling you within. Righteous indignation may be caused by something not so righteous in us.

If you are overly critical you should ask yourself, “why does this bother me?’ Of course there are some things which need to be questioned in concern for another person especially parents that have children living at home. But when our judgment is impulsive and severe, make sure the problem you are criticizing in someone else is not still within you.

God Bless, Pastor Rick