Week of September 16, 2022
“So He took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town. And when He had spit on his eyes and put His hands on him, He asked him if he saw anything.” (Mark 8:23, NKJV)
Everywhere we go; there are tasks that need to be accomplished. Most of those tasks, I would say, require the use of your hands. Our hands are truly a wonderful part of our body. A carpenter can use his hands to build a house, an artist can use his hands to paint a beautiful picture, and a nurse can use her hands to help bring relief to a sick soul.
As we read through the Gospels, we find many scriptures where Jesus laid His hands upon people who were sick. On another occasion, He divided the bread and fish for the multitude to have something to eat. The Bible tells us in Mark 10:16 that He laid His hands on the children and blessed them. The Bible also says that as He was ascending back to the Father, He lifted His hands and blessed the Disciples.
Whatever our talents, have you ever thought about this, we have a duty to use our hands as Christ used His to bless the world? We have a task to accomplish in life. In every place where there are people, there are tasks to accomplish with the use of dedicated Christian hands. Jesus used His hands. I challenge all of us today to dedicate our hands to be used for God’s use.
God Bless, Pastor Rick