Week of September 23, 2022
“And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry,” (1 Timothy 1:12, NKJV)
Paul was known as the “chief of sinners’’ but everything changed when God saved him. Paul embraced the Christian life with the same fervor that he had when he had previously opposed it. Paul worked to be a faithful servant in every assignment he was given, no matter how small or great. As a result, God found him to be faithful in the work of ministry.
Your ability to serve God is not based on your past, your level of education or your talent, but is firmly placed on your faithfulness to God today. If you are faithful with the tasks that God entrusts in you, He will empower you to accomplish it. Do not distinguish between big and small assignments as a measure of how God views your worth. Whether God has asked you to pray for a certain situation, minister to a person in need, care for the sick, or lead a Bible study, you must be faithful to what you have been called to do. When we are faithful we will experience His empowering strength through the work of the Holy Spirit. Remember that if you are faithful in a little, God will entrust you with more. You also will be able to rejoice in the same manner that Paul did when he was counted as faithful. Through all of Paul’s trials he remained grateful for all the opportunities that were given him. I hope the same can be said of all of us today!
God Bless, Pastor Rick