Christ Still Reigns Supremely

Week of May 15, 2020

“The Lord has established His throne in heaven, And His kingdom rules overall.” (Psalm 103:19, NKJV)

In times of trouble, in the midst of adverse circumstances, people often begin to doubt God’s power.  When devastated by trouble, when very difficult times emerge, their faith diminishes, and obstacles of life cause them to stumble and even fall away.  When we look at the scripture, we find that many of the people in the Bible fell prey to the affiliation of discouragement and even depression.

When we find ourselves surrounded by difficulties, we need to hold on to our faith even tighter and put all of our trust in Christ.  We need to be reminded by thinking on the scripture of what happened when God stepped into difficult situations…

God intervened

Righteous prevailed

Evil was defeated

And the people of God made it to the other side of the ordeal as victors, not victims.

That same God wants to do the same for us.  Let your faith be strong in all situations and trust fully in the omnipotence of the living Christ.  He still reigns supremely over every situation.

God Bless, Pastor Rick