Week of June 25, 2021
“Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” (Ephesians 3:20, NKJV)
The most dramatic changes in your life come not from your initiatives but from God’s. The Bible teaches us that God used ordinary people to carry out His extraordinary mission. He gave them divine assignments that they never could have initiated on their own. In fact, many times these people were taken by total surprise because they were not seeking these particular missions from God. God saw their hearts and He knew they were trustworthy to complete His work.
Genesis records the Lord speaking to Abram about building a great nation. That same nation would bring the Savior Jesus Christ. God spoke to Moses and tasked him to deliver Israel from Egyptian bondage and slavery. God Called David to be the greatest King of Israel. God surprised the Virgin Mary when He said she would be the mother of the Messiah. Through the ages God has used the ordinary lives of everyday people to accomplish great things.
Maybe the Lord is initiating some new things in your life today? Remember that when He tells you what His plans are you must trust Him and walk closely with Him. You will see Him accomplish things through your life that you never dreamed were possible!
God Bless, Pastor Rick