Week of August 14, 2020
“Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” (1 Corinthians 3:165:1, NKJV)
The Holy Spirit of God, who is omnipresent, also lives in the heart of every born again Christian. When we recognize that truth and accept this truth, His power can be released in our life. God plans to reveal Himself to the world. When we think of ourselves as a part of God’s plan to reveal Himself to the world, you will enter into a much closer walk with God that will bring balance and energy into your life. It will also create a strong sense of responsibility in your life as you realize that you are part of God’s great plan and that you are governed by His Spirit. You will realize that your life should be lived up to His expectations.
It is not about living just to please ourselves, but we live to do the will of God. Through the grace of God and His Spirit, we live a life that is to bring glory to His name.
Before our Savior ascended to Heaven, He promised His Spirit would come to those who received Him as Savior. It is the Holy Spirit who makes God a reality in the life of the Christian. Recognize His presence in your life so that His power is released to accomplish His will in your life.
God Bless, Pastor Rick