Be Imitators Of God

Week of August 8, 2020

"Therefore be imitators of God as dear children." (Ephesians 5:1, NKJV)

All of us need guidance and counseling in order to reach our goals in life.  Students look to their teachers, and children trust their parents; we all seek advice from our friends or someone that we admire as a role model.

God is a merciful God, and when you receive the free gift of salvation, you become a child of God.  Nothing that you could ever do would make you worthy of the gift of grace.  We can never deserve it.  However, there is something that we can do to show gratitude.  Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can model our life on the example that our Lord set before us.  He lived and worked just like us.  He was subject to all the temptations, frustrations, joys, and sorrows that we face, and what He demonstrated was the right way to reflect the glory of God.

Open your heart to the influence of the Holy Spirit, and He will take control of your life and manage it in a way that is acceptable to God.  The result will be that we will display the likeness of Christ and a life that glorifies God. 

God Bless, Pastor Rick