
Week of June 21, 2024

“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31(NKJV)

Waiting is not fun.  In fact, do you hate it with a passion?  You wait at endless red lights.  You wait to be checked out in line.  You wait for the doctor to call with your results.  Let me ask, when you’re coming up to a red light, do you examine which line you believe will move the fastest?  And then you watch to see if you were right, and if not, you’re hopping mad.  Waiting is an essential part of God’s plan for our lives.  So you’re not wasting time.  When you wait on God, your focus is on God.  We wait expectantly because we are convinced that God is up to something in our life.  Something good because the gifts from above are good gifts.  The great news is those who wait on God don’t wait in vain.

The secret of perseverance is not to grit our teeth as time passes.  The secret is to focus on God, knowing that in His good time, the right time, He will accomplish His purpose in our lives.  While we wait, God is working behind the scenes in ways we can’t imagine, preparing the situation, preparing other people, maybe even us, for something special.  Don’t faint; God’s timing may be right around the corner.

God Bless, Pastor Rick