If Anyone Lacks Wisdom

Week of June 28, 2024

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5

           Companies very often hire consultants. Athletes seek out special coaching. Individuals seek out counseling in their personal lives and careers. In the business world we recognize the need for outside assistance. We are open to new ideas. Well God promises that to us by asking.

          Unfortunately God and the Scriptures are the last place some look for wisdom. Well let's read a book, let's ask a friend, let's attend a seminar. We would expect that from those who are not Christians but we have the greatest resource available to us, God himself.

          Now don’t misunderstand all the above services can be used by God. But our most important source of wisdom is God. He is waiting for us to express our need which opens the door for Him to impress upon our hearts what He has said in His Word and it also opens the door for His Spirit to direct and guide us.

          God's promise is that He will pour out His wisdom “liberally” when we ask, “without reproach” or without condemning us for not knowing in the first place. Do you have a need for God’s wisdom to guide you today? Don’t just stand there, ask Him for it.

God Bless, Pastor Rick