Week of April 16, 2021
“Oh, that my head were waters, And my eyes a fountain of tears, That I might weep day and night For the slain of the daughter of my people!” Jeremiah 9:1 (NKJV)
God called Jeremiah to be a weeping prophet. His call came during turbulent times as his society was suffering from moral and spiritual decay. The nation was facing the judgment of God because of how far they had turned from God. It wasn’t a time for merry-making; it was a time for weeping. God looked for someone He could mold into a prophet for such a time, and He found Jeremiah. The cost to Jeremiah was very high. He sacrificed much of the freedom of his youth in order to be God’s messenger. He endured misunderstanding, ridicule, and mocked by those he had come to warn of God’s Judgement.
Satan will try to convince you that obedience carries a very high price, but he will never tell you the cost of not obeying God. If we are to be used by God, you can expect to make some adjustments in your life. Don’t be deceived into thinking there is no cost involved in obedience.
Are there adjustments we need to make to serve God? When you align your life with God’s will, you can expect some hardships and opposition. I’m convinced that Jeremiah experienced deep satisfaction in knowing he was a faithful servant of God. Our reward will be the same when we choose to obey Christ regardless of the cost.
God Bless, Pastor Rick