Help People Believe The Way It Can Be

Week of January 15, 2021

On one occasion, Jesus said to a man whose child was demon-possessed, “Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” (Mark 9:23, NKJV).  That man, as a result, believed, and his child was delivered.

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Tell it like it is”?  If someone wants honesty, they might use that phrase.  The next time you encounter someone who is in difficulty and maybe discouraged, why not change your approach.  Why not encourage them by telling them like it could be.  I am not saying be dishonest and say things that can never be but tell it like it could be.  Good things can happen when you believe.  Who doesn’t need a lift in this world of let downs?  Who doesn’t need a pat on the back from time to time?  I believe we have the responsibility to encourage others.  When we start telling people the way it can be, we help others to see more clearly.  We resolve problems when we help someone see a solution.  When we tell it like it is, we give people a vision to begin to dream.  How many people have all the talent in the world, but they are going nowhere because they have no dream?  When we tell it like it can be, people reach in and discover potential they didn’t realize they had.  You will make strides in your personal life when you start believing what you can become.  When we tell it like it can be, it instills confidence in people.  The more confidence that you can instill in another person, the greater the chance of their overcoming barriers.  Low morale is lifted, and there is excitement in the air.  Progress is made. Why? Because you helped someone believe the way it can be.

God Bless, Pastor Rick