A New Beginning

Week of January 1, 2021

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.” (Psalm 32:8 NKJV)

The prospect of a new year can be exciting because of the new possibilities and opportunities. It can also give the feeling of apprehension if you face the future with anxiety. These feelings make us wonder whether the problems of the past will repeat themselves over. Our personal problems, disappointments and setbacks tend to cloud our vision of the future. 

With this in mind, I ask that you remember to place your hope in the omniscience of God because he truly cares about you and loves you deeply.  As we begin a new year never forget there is still somebody who loves you deeply and has a special interest in you.

Believe in the promises of Jesus and approach the New Year aware of His presence.  He will guide you through the maze of life because He knows what’s best for you.   

Happy New Year!

Pastor Rick