Week of March 29, 2024
“So they departed quickly from the tomb with fear and great joy, and ran to tell his disciples.” Matthew 28:8
As Easter arrives this weekend we are reminded of the profound significance of this day. It’s a time when hope triumphs our despair, and when life conquers death. The ultimate manifestation of God’s love and power is revealed in the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
In John 20:1-18 we witness the remarkable events surrounding the resurrection of Jesus. Mary Magdalene arriving at the tomb. She finds the stone rolled away and the tomb empty. Confused, she encounters the risen Christ. In that moment her sorrow turns to joy as she realizes that her Lord is alive. Like many you may have found yourself surrounded by circumstances that seem dark and hopeless. You’re maybe facing challenges that threaten to overwhelm you. Remember this, just as Jesus called Mary by name and revealed Himself to her, He also reaches out to us in our moments of doubt and despair.
The resurrection assures us that no situation is beyond the reach of God’s power. There is always reason for hope. As followers of Christ we are called to live in the light of this hope. I hope this Easter we find ourselves trusting in His promises. To do so will bring a calm and peace that you won’t find any other place.
God Bless, Pastor Rick