Week of May 10, 2024

Then the LORD appeared to Abram and said, “To your offspring I will give this land.” So he built there an altar to the LORD, who had appeared to him” Genesis 12:7, (NKJV)

 God gave Abram an awesome promise that required a great deal of risk. The Lord astounded Abram with the promise that he would be the father of a great nation. All the families of the earth would be blessed through him. The cost of this would be high. He had to leave his home country along with all the familiar surroundings. Abram discovered that being obedient means risk.

The Lord is constantly calling us out. But think of how hard we work to eliminate the risks of life. We labor, save, and invest in ways with safety in mind. If we are not careful, we can settle into monotony.

As long as we are alive, there will be a next step in our adventure with the Lord. There should never be a time when what we have done can be our security. We are programmed to always be reaching for the next level. Is the element of risk a part of your life?

But never forget your risk is in accordance to where the Lord is leading. Or another way to put it is, you risk where He inspires us to do so. This involves a faith walk with our Lord.

God Bless, Pastor Rick