Influential Person?

Week of June7, 2024

 “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.” Proverbs 27:17 (NKJV)

You are an influential person. Even if you don’t recognize the fact you are. Every day, in dozens of ways you influence people about what it means or doesn’t mean to live the Christian life. What if the people in your life were asked to write a definition of Christianity from what they witnessed from your life? What would they write? Your influence is either positive or negative. People are reading the signals all the time. What kind of salt and light have you been?

People and their needs are our agenda. Everything Jesus gives us is for our influence on others. When we settle that in our mind life becomes more blessed indeed. What stands in the way of people seeing Christ’s light burning in us? Maybe our personalities need transformation, maybe an attitude that needs changing.

Paul even at the end of his life in Rome in chains did not allow his witness to be debilitated.  Guards were led to Christ while guarding him. People in Caesar’s household became Christian because of the contagious faith he communicated. We too are casting forth an influence. Lets’ be certain its reflective of the true definition of Christianity.

God Bless, Pastor Rick