His Holy Name

Week of November 11, 2022

“My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord, And all flesh shall bless His holy name Forever and ever.” (Psalm 145:21, NKJV)

The 145th Psalm ends in the same manner that it began, with a call to bless the holy name of the Lord forever. It is a shame to hear so many people use the name of Jesus Christ in a thoughtless manner that is not holy or a blessing to anyone. I am sure you have overheard someone carelessly using the name of Jesus as if it was nothing different than saying, Santa Claus. I have often wondered why people, especially those who have not ever placed their belief in Jesus, would choose to speak this particular name over any other figure that represents a religious belief system. The answer is simple though; there is power only in the name of Jesus. The atheists, agnostics, and anti-Christian groups can try all they might, but the name of Jesus is not going anywhere. Even the non-believer has His holy name on his lips and equally will have no excuse on the day of judgment if they have rejected him. While it is sad that so many use the name of the Lord in vain, it is also a testimony of how His name continues to live on and spread around the world 2,000 years later. With the popularity of the name comes the opportunity for the individual to explore who Jesus was and is today and ultimately what He has planned for the future. When we hear someone carelessly use the name of Jesus, it gives us an opportunity to witness to that person and share with them the real power that is in the name of Jesus. So let us all keep our ears open and be ready to have a personal gospel conversation with someone that needs to know the real Jesus.

God Bless, Pastor Rick