God Still Leads

Week of October 1, 2021

"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ.”  2 Corinthians 2:14

Some people seem to succeed with little effort but that is not the case with everyone. Nothing just happens – at least not in the lives of God’s children. No one is successful by accident; nor is anyone a failure by chance. Every person chooses what they want to be and where they want to go, it is not always easy to choose which road to follow and this is where accepting Christ as Lord of our lives puts divine powers into action.

Choosing your goal with God’s guidance is more than just good common sense because cooperation with God will result in blessings in your life. Choosing your goals with Christ’s help ensures that you can live a life with a clear conscience. Striving to reach your goal then becomes just as joyful as its achievement.  Thank you Lord for leading us in your triumphal procession.

God Bless, Pastor Rick