Everything Has Its Time

Week of May 19, 2023

Solomon tells us in the book of Ecclesiastes 3 that everything has its time. “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven” (3:1 NKJV). Well, when we come to verse 7 of the same chapter, it also says, “…A time to keep silent, and a time to speak”. Sometimes we speak when we should ask God to put a watch over our mouths and keep the doors of our lips. In other words, to keep quiet. At other times, we ask God to give us the boldness to speak up for those who so desperately need to experience a touch from God. You are a vessel that God can use to reach someone in your sphere. It may be to lead them to Christ, maybe to invite them to church, to encourage them in a time of discouragement or grief. Each day ask God to allow you to be that vessel He can use to reach a person that has a need in their life.

What an honor it is to think that the God who spoke it all into existence will also use us as His earthen vessels. There is someone God has ordained for you to reach out to. Not only will that person be touched at possibly a very critical hour of their life, but also you will receive your own blessing. The satisfaction and joy of knowing God has used you to help another person at just the right time when they needed someone the most.

God Bless, Pastor Rick