Effective Prayers

Week of March 11, 2022

“The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”  James 5:16b

God promises all believers that if we live righteously and pray fervently our prayers will be effective and produce significant results.  Now, to a promise like this, we might argue, “But I do pray and nothing happens!”  Well, if our prayer life is not accomplishing much, what should we do?  Should we conclude that the promise is untrue?  Should we conclude the scripture is unrealistic?     Or should we examine ourselves?

James says that fervent prayer avails much.  Maybe we are not as fervent as we should be.  Fervent prayer means we do not quit easily.  Fervent prayer means we cry out with our hearts.

According to James, our righteousness will ensure effective prayer.  How then should we hold ourselves accountable if our prayers are accomplishing little?  Maybe we should look within to see if there is a sin to confess.  Maybe we give up too easily and we should pick the request back up again.  Maybe we should make sure that our purposes are aligned with those of the Heavenly Father.  Let’s examine ourselves to make sure we meet His conditions for when we do HE will answer our prayers in a mighty way.

God Bless, Pastor Rick