Be Good For Your Word

Week of October 21, 2022

One of the greatest gifts we have is our words.  Words are extremely important and words can mean everything!  Sadly, some people have not realized the power of the word.  One of the greatest disappointments of life is when someone says they will do something but then does not stay true to their word.  Commitments always come with a cost, so do not be careless with your words.

Now let’s consider our recent promises to God for a moment.  What have you said that is committed to Him?  Maybe a promise to read His word, to tithe, to serve, or to be a better spouse or parent.  Have you been faithful to follow through?  Also, consider the promises you have made to others.  When you tell a friend you will do something, do you follow through?  God will hold you accountable for the things you say. “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:37 NKJV).  God said in the book of Ecclesiastes to not make a promise and then not keep it.  Why is this so important to God?  Well, Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.”  Words can and do bless people’s lives but, they can also destroy and devastate lives as well.  The way you follow through with the promises you make will help or hurt relationships. 

Remember, words mean everything!  Be a person who is good for his word because if your words cannot be trusted then you cannot be trusted.

God Bless, Pastor Rick