Prayer Alignment

Week of January 10, 2025

 “When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.” (Acts 2:1, NKJV)

Prayer aligns your life with God so that He chooses to demonstrate His power through you. The prayers of the people at Pentecost brought the people to a place where they were ready to participate in the work of God that God had planned.

 Jesus had told His disciples to remain in Jerusalem and wait until the Holy Spirit came upon them. As they prayed, God adjusted their lives to what He wanted next from them. When the day of Pentecost arrived, the city of Jerusalem was filled with people from around the world. When the Holy Spirit came the city was filled with messengers who would carry the gospel to every nation. Prayer had prepared the disciples for their response.

Prayer is really to adjust us to God’s will and not to adjust God to our will. So if God hasn’t responded to what we are praying for, we may need to adjust our praying to align with God’s agenda. Instead of focusing on what we want to happen, be conscious of the fact that God may be more concerned with what He wants to see happen in you.

God Bless, Pastor Rick

God Sees

Week of January 3, 2025

“Then she called the name of the LORD who spoke to her, You-Are-the-God-Who-Sees; for she said, ‘Have I also here seen Him who sees me?’” – (Genesis 16:13, NKJV)

Hagar’s story is one of rejection and redemption. In Genesis 16, she flees into the wilderness, overwhelmed by the treatment she received from Sarai. She was alone and unsure of what the future held. Hagar encountered an Angel of the Lord who gave her assurance. In that moment, she named God, “El Roi” which means the God who sees.

She realized that even in her lowest and most forgotten state, she was not invisible to God. He knew her name, her situation, and her pain. This story teaches us that God sees our struggles. Do you feel overwhelmed? Be reminded that God sees your struggles. He understands every burden. This story also teaches us that God meets us where we are. Hagar wasn’t in a temple when she encountered God, she was in the wilderness. God’s presence is not limited to holy places. God will meet you where you are. One last truth this story reveals – God has a plan for you. God promised Hagar that her son, Ishmael, would grow into a great nation. Maybe you feel forgotten, but be assured that God sees you even if you are in the wilderness and He has a good plan for your life. Reflection on these thoughts can give you hope.

God Bless, Pastor Rick

The Gift We Didn’t Earn

Week of December 20, 2024

As Christmas draws near, our minds often turn to the giving and receiving of gifts. This tradition reflects the heart of the gospel. The Heavenly Father gave the greatest gift, His Son, Jesus Christ.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16, NKJV)

The gift of salvation was wrapped in the humility of a manger and sealed by the sacrifice of the cross. We could never earn it. It’s freely given.

The majesty of the season lies in the reminder that we don’t need to be good enough to receive God’s gift. Christ came for the broken, the weary, and the lost. He came for you and me, because He knew we would never achieve righteousness on our own.

As we gather with our families to celebrate Christmas, approach the manger with hearts full of gratitude. Reflect on the love of God. Remember the significance of this gift and God’s call on our lives. I pray it will change the way we live, love, and serve The Lord. In these next few days, be intentional about making room in your heart for Him, our Savior and King.

Merry Christmas, Pastor Rick